Captain Pentara (voiced by Suzy Berger) - the captain of the Garidian Warbird Asiram. She is sent on a mission across the Romulan Neutral Zone by the Garidian Council to capture the Garidian renegades Lucana, T'Bak, and her son Avakar. According to Worf, "Starfleet intelligence describes her as a capable, but unimaginative tactician"
3 Kommentare:
Isnt it called "Asiram"?
Captain Pentara (voiced by Suzy Berger) - the captain of the Garidian Warbird Asiram. She is sent on a mission across the Romulan Neutral Zone by the Garidian Council to capture the Garidian renegades Lucana, T'Bak, and her son Avakar. According to Worf, "Starfleet intelligence describes her as a capable, but unimaginative tactician"
is there any chance we could get these texture files to input into the game, so we can play with better graphics?
I dont think the Game Engine from 1995 will support 3D Files from 2013, to be honest!
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